Technical expertise in Waste recovery, Emission control & Safety
Your technical expert In pre-processing and treatment of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste (solids, sludge, liquids)
Alternative Fuels & Raw Materials (AFR)
Your technical expert In co-processing of AFR, from spent solvent to RDF and biomass
Flue Gas Cleaning
Your technical expert in Flue Gas Treatment (HCl, SOx, NOx, Heavy Metals, VOC’s & PCDD/F etc)
Your qualified level 1 prevention advisor, with a strong focus on process safety and specific risks related to waste and AFR’s
Industrial experience
... we like to share
ALTERLINE provides a strong technical expertise.
Our core competencies were acquired through a long experience in the industry, in leading companies such as Solvay, Keppel Seghers, Hamon Research-Cottrell or Holcim.
Our expertise is shared in a collaborative way with our clients.
We promotes environmentally friendly solutions supporting circular economy in a pragmatic and cost-effective approach.
Working with a broad network of partners, we can deliver integrated solutions, from waste sourcing and permitting to fine-tuning and industrial operation.
Our clients are industrial and engineering companies, public bodies, NGO's and citizen's groups.Adapting to your needs is one of our skills. Don't hesitate to contact us !

Your technical expert
Our clients includes (as 3rd party of CEMENTIS when their logo is added) :

- Policy and auditing tools for risks related to pre-processing of waste and co-processing of Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials [Both safety mgt, operational safety and design safety]
- Specific trainings

- VOC’s and HCl removal
- Fire protection
- Explosion protection
- Specific optimizations for hazardous waste pre-processing
- Lead of a R&D project (Minerve, production of liquid AF by copyrolysis)

- Process definition for waste pre-processing and expected outputs
- Process definition for AF co-processing
- Waste pretreatment capex & opex estimations
- AF co-processing lines capex & opex estimations
- Calculation of the impacts of AF use on kiln process

Get in touch
Adaptation to your situation is one of our skills: don't hesitate to contact us !
of Alterline, your technical expert and collaborator

Alterline will be present at Cemfuels Berlin 2018 – Feel free to contact us for a meeting
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Alterline was awarded 2d best proceeding in Cemfuels 2017 (Barcelona)
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